
Year 10s enjoy an exciting glimpse into the future on tours of our new Sixth Form Centre

Year 10s enjoy an exciting glimpse into the future on tours of our new Sixth Form Centre

22 May 2024

Mr Phil Abbott, Head of Sixth Form

Year 10 students got to peek behind the hoardings last week, as they enjoyed a site tour of the new Sixth Form Centre and whole school library.

Donning the now-iconic pink hard hats and vests, our Year 10s were given a glimpse of the exciting future that awaits them in the Sixth Form at Woldingham in the state-of-the-art facility, designed to help our students succeed, not just academically, but also in their personal and professional lives.

The building, which is on track for completion this summer, is home to a silent-study area, a collaborative workspace, mini-lecture theatre and a café, as well as classrooms for our most popular A Level-only subjects - business, economics and psychology. But our Year 10 students were equally impressed by the new library for the whole school, which they will be able to enjoy from September, providing the perfect space for reading, research and relaxation.

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